Evidence-Based Resources

References are used in numerous PowerPoints and Pages throughout the website. Definitions throughout website are from the DSM-5 Manual. 

American Psychiatric Association. Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fifth Edition. Arlington, VA, American Psychiatric Association 2013. Pgs. 31-86.

Sound Intolerance Page

1. Coelho, C.B., Sanchez, T.G., Tyler, R.S. (2007). Hyperacusis, sound annoyance, and loudness hypersensitivity in children. Progress in Brain Research. 166, 169 – 178.

2. Fagelson, M., Baguley, D. (2018) Hyperacusis and disorders of sound intolerance, Clinical and research perspectives.  San Diego, CA Plural Publishing Inc. (2018). 

3. Johnson, Marsha. Cochlear hyperacusis and vestibular hyperacusis. Vestibular Disorders Association. Retrieved from www.vestibular.org

4. Sharma, M., Purdy, S., Kelly, A., 2009.  Comorbidity of auditory processing, language, and reading disorders.  Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research.  52, 706-722. doi 10.1044/1092-4388(2008/07-0226

5. Cochlear Hyperacusis and Vestibular Hyperacusis. https://vestibular.org/article/diagnosis-treatment/types-of-vestibular-disorders/

6. Schecklmann, M., Lehner, A., Schlee, W., Vielsmeier, V., Landgrebe, M., and Langguth, B.,(2015). Validation of screening questions for hyperacusis in chronic tinnitus. BioMed Research International, Hindawi Publishing Corporation. I.D. 191479.

7. Speech, sound disorders-articulation and phonology. Retrieved from https://www.asha.org/PRPSpecificTopic.aspx?folderid=8589935321&section=Assessment.

8. Teder, Harry.  Noise and speech levels in noisy environments. Hear Instr 1990; 41(4):32-33.

9. Titze, IR. (1994) Principles of vocal production. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice Hall.  

10. Tyler, Pienkowski, and Roncancio, et. al.(2014).  A review of hyperacusis and future directions: part 1. Definitions and manifestations,” American Journal of Audiology, vol. 23, no. 4, 402-419.

Visual Processing Difficulties Page

1. Dr. Schubert, Michael (2013).  Vision challenges with vestibular disorder. Vestibular Disorder Association. Retrieved from www.vestibular.org

2. Evidence-based Results for Vision Therapy from 9 research sites. (2008). Randomized clinical trial of treatments for symptomatic convergence insufficiency in children. Arch Ophthalmol; 126 (10):1336-1349. Retrieved from https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2779032/

3. Kimura, Doreen (2010).  From ear to brain.  Brain & Cognition. In Press, doi:10.1016/j.bandc.2010.11.009. Retrieved from www.sciencedirect.com/science/journal/02782626

4. Maiworm, M., & Roder, B. (2011). Suboptimal auditory dominance in audiovisual integration of temporal cues. Tsinghua Sciience and technology, 16(2), 121-132.

5. Miller, LM; D’Esposito, M. (2005). Perceptual fusion and stimulus coincidence in the cross-modal integration of speech. (25) 5884-93.  Retrieved from www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/15976077.

6. Nassi, J., Callaway, E. (2009).  Parallel processing strategies of the primate visual system. 

7. Stauffer, C., Haldemann, J., Troche, S., Rammsayer, T. (2011).  Auditory and visual temporal sensitivity: evidence for a hierarchical structure of modality-specific and modality –independent levels of temporal information processing.  Psychological Research, 76, 20-31. DOI 10. 1007/s00426-011-0333-8.

8. Stevenson, R., VanDerKlok, R., Pisoni, D., James, T. (2011).  Discrete neural substrates underlie complementary audiovisual speech integration processes.  NeuroImage, 55, 1339-1345.

9. Triplett, J., An Phan, Yamada, J., Fildheim, D. (2012). Alignment of multimodal sensory input in the superior colliculus through a gradient-   matching mechanism.  Retrieved  https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3342701/

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder

1. Chermack, Gail; Musiek, Frank; Bellis, Terri (2011).  Neurobiology, differential diagnosis, and treatment of co-morbid CAPD & ADHD

2. Siegel, Daniel J., Bryson, Tina P., 2012. The whole brain child, 12 revolutionary strategies to nurture your child’s developing mind. New York.

3. Retrieved from The American Speech and Hearing Association, 2011 Conference, (Neurobiology, Differential Diagnosis, and Treatment of Co-morbid CAPD & ADHD. Presenters: Gail Chermack, PhD., Washington State University; Frank Musiek, PhD.,Univ. of Connecticut; Terri Bellis, PhD., Univ. of South Dakota).

4. Granet, D.B., Gomi, C.F., Ventura, R., Miller-Scholte, A., 2005. The relationship between convergence insufficiency and ADHD. Strabismus 13(4); 163-8.


1. Ashburner J, Ziviani J, Rodger S. Sensory processing and classroom emotional, and educational outcomes in children with autism spectrum disorder. Am J Occupational Therapy. 2008;62(5):564-573.

2. Auditory profile and high-resolution CT scan in autism spectrum disorders children with auditory hypersensitivity. European Arch Otorhinolaryngology. doi: 10.1007/s00405-013-2482-4. Epub2013 Apr 12). 

3. Centers for disease control & prevention, (2013). Special education or early intervention services (table 17) and Learning disability or ADHD (Table 3), (Series 10, 2&).

4. Edelson, S.M. (2016). Treating autism, revisiting auditory integration training-new research findings. Request from Cheri Moore through email. No longer able to find link.

5. Edelson, S.M. has written numerous reviews for Autism. Retrieved from https://www.autism.org/references-from-arri-editorials-by-executive-director-stephen-m-edelson-phd/

6. Edelson, S.M., Arin, D., Bauman, M.B., Lukas, S.E., Rudy, J.H., Sholar, M., and Rimland, B. (1999). Focus on Autism and Other Developmental Disabilities, 14, 73-81.

7. American Optometry. Strabismus (crossed eyes). Retrieved from https://www.aoa.org/healthy-eyes/eye-and-vision-conditions/strabismus?sso=y

8. Rance G, Saunders K., Carew P, Johansson M, Tan J. The Use of Listening Devices to Ameliorate Auditory Deficit in Children with Autism.  J Pediatrics. 2013;164 (2). pp 352-357.

9. Rimland, B., and Edelson, S.M. (1994). The effects of auditory integration training in autism. American Journal of Speech-Language Pathology, 5, 16-24.

10. Rimland, B., and Edelson, S.M. (1996). Auditory integration training: A pilot study. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 25, 61-70.

Central Auditory Processing Deficits

1. American Speech and Hearing Association. Retrieved from https://www.asha.org/Practice-Portal/Clinical-Topics/Central-Auditory-Processing-Disorder/

2. Elliott, E., Bhagats, S., & Lynn, S. (2006).  Can children with (central) auditory processing          deficits ignore irrelevant sound?  Research in Developmental Disabilities, 28(2007), 506-517.

3. Emanuel, Diana (2009). Acoustic reflex threshold (ART) patterns: an interpretation guide for students and supervisors. Retrieved from audiologyonline.com/articles/acoustic-reflex-threshold-art-patterns-875. 1-11. 

4. Phonak Hearing Aids, Aug. 2014. New roger focus helps children pay attention. Retrieved from https://www.hearingreview.com/hearing-products/accessories/components/new-roger-focus-helps-children-pay-attention

5. Stauffer, C., Haldemann, J., Troche, S., Rammsayer, T. (2011).  Auditory and visual temporal sensitivity: evidence for a hierarchical structure of modality-specific and modality –independent levels of temporal information processing.  Psychological Research, 76, 20-31. DOI 10. 1007/s00426-011-0333-8.

6. Stevenson, R., VanDerKlok, R., Pisoni, D., James, T. (2011).  Discrete neural substrates underlie complementary audiovisual speech integration processes.  NeuroImage, 55, 1339-1345.

7. Strange, A., Zalewski, T., Waibel-Duncan, M. (2009).  Exploring the usefulness of fisher’s auditory problems checklist as a screening tool in relationship to the buffalo model diagnostic central auditory processing test battery.  Journal of Educational Audiology, 15, 44-52.

8. Triplett, J., An Phan, Yamada, J., Fildheim, D. (2012). Alignment of multimodal sensory input in the superior colliculus through a gradient-matching mechanism. Retrieved from            https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3342701/

9. Van Atteveldt, N., Formisano, E., Goebel, R., and Blomert, L. (2004).  Integration of letters and speech sounds in the human brain.  Neuron 43, 271–282.


1. Blau, V., Atteveldt, N., Ekkebus, M., Goebel, R., Blomert, L., 2009. Reduced neural integration of letters and speech sounds links phonological and reading deficits in adult dyslexia. Current Biology 19, 503-508, DOI 10.1616

2. Christain, L., Hrynchak, P., Irving, E., Nandakumar, K., Feb. 2018. Kids with reading problems may have abnormal binocular vision. Journal of Optometry.

3. Mittag, M., Takegata, R., Kuisala, T., 2011. The effects of visual material and temporal synchrony on the processing of letters and speech sounds. Experimental Brain Research, ISSN 0014-4819, 6/2011, Volume 211, Issue 2, pp. 287-2998.

4. Raghuram, A., Gowrisankaran, S., Swanson, E., Zurakowski, D., Hunter, D., Waber, D., July 19, 2018. Frequency of visual deficits in children with developmental dyslexia. JAMA Ophthalmol. Retrieved from https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/30027208

5. Van Atteveldt, N., Formisano, E., Goebel, R., and Blomert, L. (2004).  Integration of letters and speech sounds in the human brain.  Neuron 43, 271–282.

Impact of Ear Infections on Brain Development

1. Casselbrant, Gravel, Margolis, Bellussi,, Dhooge, & Downs, 2002; Vernon- Feagans & Proctor, 1994; Hasenstab in 1992; and Benasich & Tallal, 2002).  

2. Casselbrant, Gravel, Margolis, Bellussi, Dhooge, & Downs, 2002) (Klein, 2001, as cited in J. S. Stenton, 2003). Diagnosis: patulous eustachian tube. Retrieved from            https://journals.lww.com/thehearingjournal/Fulltext/2014/10000/Symptom             Hearing_His_Voice_in_His_Ear.6.aspx

3. Edelson, Stephen. Middle ear infections, a discussion of some issues.  Center for Study on Autism.  Retrieved from autism.org

4. Schmidt, M. (2004). A parent’s guide to childhood ear infections.

5. Smith, Colin (2014 July).  Scientists explain in more detail how we hear via bones in the skull.  

6. Zargi, M., Boltezar, H. (1992). Effects of recurrent otitis media in infancy on auditory perception and speech.  American Journal of Otolaryngology. 13 (6), 366.) (Supported in June 2003,

7. Zargi, M., Boltezar, H. (1992). Effects of recurrent otitis media in infancy on auditory perception and speech.  American Journal of Otolaryngology. 13 (6), 366.) (Supported in June 2003, Report of the Eighth Research Conference; Supported in 2010 by Ungkanont, K., Charuluxananan, S., Komoltic C.)

Enlarged Adenoids Affect Your Hearing

1. Chien, Chih-Yen; Chen, An-Min; Hwang, Chung-Feng; Su, Chih-Ying (2004) The clinical significance of adenoid-choanae area ratio in children with adenoid hypertrophy. International Journal of Pediatric Otorhinoloaryngoglogy. 69 (235-239).

2. Hapaniemi, J. (1995). Adenoids in school-aged children.  The Journal of Laryngology and Otology. 109 (196-202).  Maharani, Asri., et. al. Health and retirement study. 

3. Marseglia, GL; Poddighe, D., Caimmi, D., Marseglia, A., Caimmi, S., Ciprandi, G., Klersy, C., Pagella, F., Castellazzi, AM (2009). Role of adenoids and adenoiditis in children with allergy and otitis media. Current Allergy and Asthma Reports. 9 (460-464).

4. Professional Training Textbook in Hearing Health Sciences (2017). Takahashi, H., Fujita, A., Kurata, K., Honjo, I, 2003. Adenoid and otitis media with effusion –mini review.  International Congress Series 1257. (207-211). doi:10.1016/S0531-5131(03)01174-9

5. Yasan, H., Dogru, H., Tuz, M., Candir, O., Ulygur, K., Yariktas, M., (2003).  Otitis media with effusion and hitopathologic properties of adenoid tissue.  International Journal of Pediatric Otorhinolaryngology. 67, 1179-1183.

Hearing Loss

1. Beck, Douglas, Petrak Michelle, Dr. Madell, Jane, and Dr. Cushing, Sharon (2014).  Update 2015; pediatric vestibular, balance, and hearing disorders. Hearing Review, Dec 2014.

2. Dr. Schubert, Michael (2013). Vision challenges with vestibular disorder. Vestibular Disorders Association. Retrieved from www.vestibular.org

3. John Hopkins’ Baltimore Longitudinal Study on Aging. Retrieved from 


4. Robinette, Martin S. and Glattke, Theodore J. (2007). Otoacoustic Emissions, Clinical Applications.  Thieme (3rd Ed).

5. Stauffer, C., Haldemann, J., Troche, S., Rammsayer, T. (2011).  Auditory and visual temporal sensitivity: evidence for a hierarchical structure of modality-specific and modality –independent levels of temporal information processing.  Psychological Research, 76, 20-31. DOI 10. 1007/s00426-011-0333-8.

6. Stevenson, R., VanDerKlok, R., Pisoni, D., James, T. (2011).  Discrete neural substrates underlie complementary audiovisual speech integration processes.  NeuroImage, 55, 1339-1345.

7. Stephanie C. P. M. Theunissen; Carolien Rieffe; Maartje Kouwenberg; Leo J. I. De Raeve; Wim Soede; Jeroen J. Briaire; Johan H. M. Frijns (2014). Behavioral problems in school-aged hearing-impaired children: the influence of sociodemographic, linguistic, and medical factors. Eur Child Adolesc Psychiatry (2014) 23:187–196; DOI 10.1007/s00787-013-0444-4.

8. Triplett, J., An Phan, Yamada, J., Fildheim, D. (2012). Alignment of multimodal sensory input in the superior colliculus through a gradient-matching mechanism. Retrieved from https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3342701/