Sound Intolerance

Do you cover your ears or avoid noisy places?
Are you distracted by sounds while listening?

Watch to learn how these parents improved their child’s emotional health.

Need Help?

Cheri Moore supports emotional health while building an individualized intervention plan to improve your ability to respond and maintain progress after therapy.



It is an honor to work with Cheri Moore on her journey with auditory integration therapy.  She has shown a consistent desire to go above and beyond in every aspect of her practice and training.  Cheri’s quest for greater understanding and her thirst for knowledge are demonstrated daily.  It is a pleasure to work with a professional who is so eager to learn and apply new information to help her clients reach their best possible outcomes.

Kathy J Harvey-Jones, MsEd, Audiology, BC-HIS

Development of Sound Intolerance

Sound intolerance, also called sound sensitivity, indicates a weakness somewhere within your hearing system.

The development of sound intolerance occurs at any age. Poor ear, nose, and throat health increase the risk of experiencing diminished hearing. When eustachian tubes are chronically inflamed, it diminishes the strength of sound energy through the middle ear to the cochlea. Additionally, physical discomfort occurs like what one feels on an airplane due to pressure changes.

Equally concerning, under-stimulation of the cochlea resulting in long-lasting decreased stimulation along auditory neural pathways. Ultimately, auditory neural pathways weaken contributing to the development of sound intolerance at any age. Likewise, individuals with hearing loss experience sound intolerance. Because damage to cochlear hairs under-stimulates auditory neural pathways.

Stick person with a question mark in the speech bubble

Fluid in the Middle Ear Increases the Risk of:

  1. Unclear Speech-own voice sounds distorted
  2. A Ruptured Eardrum-fluid around the ear is sticky
  3. Ear Pain-is your child tugging on their ear? Waking up crying?
  4. Difficulty targeting location of sound
Knife, Fork, and Spoon

Unknown Food Allergies Cause:

  1. Inflamation of the Eustachian Tubes
  2. Physical sensations of ear pain
  3. Fluid in the middle ear without infection
  4. Increased congestion
hand taking a tissue out of a tissue box

Enlarged Adenoids Block Eustachian Tubes:

  1. Congestion decreases while awake
  2. Congestion increases while sleeping
  3. Snoring
  4. Increases the risk for Central Auditory Processing Deficits
  5. Increases the risk for Central Sleep Apnea.
Little boy sitting at kitchen table wearing headphones

Auditory Integration Training improves sound tolerance in the comfort of your home.

young boy on a tire swing

Past or Ongoing Poor Ear, Nose, & Throat Contribures to

  • Atypical Development of Speech
    • Delayed speech, failure to talk
    • Unclear, difficult to understand speech
    • Speech fluency difficulties
      • Stammers
      • Word finding difficulties
  • Disruption of Vestibular System:
    • Poor balance
    • Atypical walking: may walk on toes, arch back
    • Writes too lightly or presses so hard they break the pencil tip
    • Seeks sensory input:
      • Seeks sounds while also displaying sound intolerance
      • Enjoys deep pressure such as a weighted blanket
      • Enjoys wrestling, jumping, spinning, and back rubs

Emotional Consequences of Sound Intolerance

individuals experience emotional distress like depression, social isolation, anxiety, and poor self-esteem.

Imagine struggling to perform academically. Then, experiencing limited progress in therapies.  No matter how hard you work, it seems pointless.

Unfortunately, sound intolerance makes it more difficult for you to concentrate, listen, comprehend, and remember what you are taught. 

Perhaps you think, “I must be dumb.”  Good news! It is not your brain. You need auditory integration training to strengthen your hearing system and teach your ears to work together. 

Schedule your FREE 15 minutes phone call with Cheri sharing your story and learning more about our services.

Negative Impact of Sound Intolerance:

  • Needs a very quiet environment to listen
  • Forgets thoughts
  • Difficulty answering questions
  • Struggles with creative writing
  • Interrupts
  • Feels isolated even in groups
  • Poor short term memory
  • Overall poor language skills 

(Illiadou, Bamiou, Kaprinis, Kandylis, Kaprinis, 2009)

All the above difficulties negatively impact social interactions, self-esteem, and academic performance.

Sharma, M., Purdy, S., Kelly, A., 2009.  Comorbidity of auditory processing, language, and reading disorders.  Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research.  52, 706-722.  doi:  10.1044/1092-4388(2008/07-0226

Headphone Usage by Children and Brain Neuroplasticity

Headphone usage, while convenient in today’s society, could be negatively affecting the development of your child’s brain, the next generation.

Six Foods Contributing to Inflammation

There are six foods contributing to the inflammation of the eustachian tubes according to research. I have seen adults and children become calmer and less prone to episodes of anger when they remove inflammatory foods from their diet. Many children I have worked with started listening with comprehension and asking questions instead of simply doing all the talking with almost no interactions.

Old Fashioned Gluten and Dairy Free Pancakes

These pancakes will remind you of a classic weekend brunch. They taste great with a combination of flours that create a balance of flavor without sacrificing the nutritional value. Because these pancakes do not use generic gluten free all-purpose flour, you can feel good about eating them throughout the week.

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FDA Statement On AIT

"Auditory Integration Training remediateds impairments in auditory discrimination (sound sensitivity and auditory distortion) associated with Autism, Learning Disabilities, and related disorders - ADD, ADHD, CAPD (Central Auditory Processing Deficits), SPD (Sensory Processing Disorder), Dyslexia."