Impact of Ear Infections On Brain Development

 Ear infections increase risk of emotional distress and learning difficulties

because of difficulties understanding what was just heard and more …

preschooler wearing headphones playing with sand toys in sand

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Cheri Moore works with all ages using a holistic approach to improve emotional health and learning.



It is an honor to work with Cheri Moore on her journey with auditory integration therapy.  She has shown a consistent desire to go above and beyond in every aspect of her practice and training.  Cheri’s quest for greater understanding and her thirst for knowledge are demonstrated daily.  It is a pleasure to work with a professional who is so eager to learn and apply new information to help her clients reach their best possible outcomes.

Kathy J Harvey-Jones, MsEd, Audiology, BC-HIS

Auditory Integration Training, an exercise program like physical therapy for the ears.

Ear infections can occur in one ear, both ears, or more severely infect one ear when compared to the other ear.  Is there fluid in the middle ear  without an ear infection?

Strengthen both ear teaching the brain to use sounds from both ears.

Young man wearing headphones listening to therapeutic music while tossing a stress ball up into the air.

Respond and Maintain Progress After Completing Therapy Improving Emotional Health

Getting to know your world of sights and sounds means working with you, people who know you best, and a team of professionals: audiologist, optometrist specializing in visual development, and ear, nose, and throat doctor.

You can strengthen your hearing system after poor ear, nose, and throat health.

Research Findings: Ear Infections Diminished Hearing Disrupting Development

Researchers confirm that ear infections decrease hearing. When chronic, ear infections also impact brain development. Brain development is critical for obtaining developmental milestones in all ages.  Researchers found that the brain develops until age 26.

Researchers Zargi, M. and Boltezar, H.(1999) consistently found the following difficulties in 33 infants and toddlers experiencing three or more acute ear infections before age two, a chronic condition.

(Zargi, M., Boltezar, H. (1992). Effects of recurrent otitis media in infancy on auditory perception and speech.  American Journal of Otolaryngology. 13 (6), 366.) (Supported in June 2003, Report of the Eighth Research Conference; Supported in 2010 by Ungkanont, K., Charuluxananan, S., Komoltic C.)

  • Temporary hearing loss up to 40 decibels (dB) = a Conductive Hearing Loss
  • Continuing fluid without an ear infection lasted several weeks in 50% of infants/preschoolers
  • Continuing fluid without an ear infection lasted up to six months in 10% of infants/preschoolers
  • Decreased perception of sounds while listening in 88% of toddlers
  • Approximately 4 out of 8 parents lacked awareness of hearing impairment in the 8 toddlers who tested positive for a conductive hearing loss due to fluid in the middle ear.

Statistically significant differences between the two control groups showed an increased risk for decreased sound energy reaching the inner ear’s cochlea whose job is to send sound energy to the brain.

    • Greater hearing loss during a common cold (.0003)
    • Abnormal color and position of ear drum (tympanic membrane .0001)
    • Lower pressure (60 to 70 mm H2O) in the middle ear when compared to participants with typical-sized adenoids.

How to Teach Safe Listening Habits

Spice up summer with fun activities that teach safe listening habits. In a technology-driven society, adults, teens, and children are exposed to sound through devices, headphones, and earbuds more than ever before. While it is convenient to just pop in your earbuds and go about your day, I encourage mindfulness concerning the effects of exposure to sound on your hearing system. It is now more important than ever to teach safe listening habits.

How Do I Know Which Sounds Are Harmful?

Have you ever thought about which sounds are harmful? Everyday common sounds, at home and away from home, can be harmful. Even when you enjoy loud sounds, your body may later provide clues that sounds were too loud. Additionally, sounds affect our mood and behaviors. You can take control of your sound environment. Use the fun apps and charts below to explore your sound environment. Then, design your sound environment to meet your needs.

Eustachian Tube Inflammation in Adults & Children

Food allergies and intolerances cause eustachian tube inflammation in adults and children with and without fluid build-up. Eustachian tube inflammation contributes to ear pain, ear infections, and even the ability to hear your own voice. Surprisingly, you may even experience difficulty keeping your balance. The why behind balance difficulties still astonish me.

Headphone Usage by Children and Brain Neuroplasticity

Headphone usage, while convenient in today’s society, could be negatively affecting the development of your child’s brain, the next generation.

Listening Habits Affect the Safety of Earbud and Headphone Usage

Researchers learned that your listening habits affect the safety of earbud and headphone usage. Most of us assume that what is sold must be safe. Surely the volume on my listening device is safe with and without headphones. However, researchers found that volume is just part of the issue. Have you ever asked yourself, “What safety precautions should I take when I use headphones and earbuds?” Why do I ask?

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FDA Statement On AIT

"Auditory Integration Training remediateds impairments in auditory discrimination (sound sensitivity and auditory distortion) associated with Autism, Learning Disabilities, and related disorders - ADD, ADHD, CAPD (Central Auditory Processing Deficits), SPD (Sensory Processing Disorder), Dyslexia."